Helping Children Build a Growth Mindset
Children mindset growth refers to the ability in which children believe in their abilities and talents which can develop through practice and efforts and their talents are not fixated. Children with a growth mindset believe that mistakes are part of their learning. Children think their mistakes during learning are not a sign of failure. Those children try new challenges as opportunities for their learning without only focusing on the outcomes.
Children with a growth mindset always embrace difficult tasks, they stay motivated during completing their tasks, which leads them to develop resilience. When children struggle doing anything they don't think that "I cannot do this or I am bad at this" They easily think that "I have not done it right yet or I will improve it with practice". This growth mindset helps them always solve problems and fosters a positive attitude to face difficulties in life.
Why a Growth Mindset Matters for Children
A growth mindset helps children believe that their intelligence is not fixated but can improve through effort, learning, and practice. Children with a growth mindset see the challenges as an opportunity to enhance their learning instead of avoiding the challenges. This mindset helps them build resilience because they learn to face difficulties. They learn to consider challenges as a natural phenomenon for their growth and progress. Children with a growth mindset always embrace learning which helps in enhancing their growth. This mindset helps them build their success in various aspects of life such as in school, relationships, and future career building.
Strategies for Helping Children Build a Growth Mindset
Learning strategies to help your child build a growth mindset is essential in fostering their belief toward efforts. Here are a few helpful strategies for developing a growth mindset in children.
Appreciate the Try, Not Just the Talent
Children always feel glad when they hear praising words and appreciation from others. But specific praising words such as "smart" lead them fixed mindset, which can make them build fear of failure, because it can challenge their abilities. Try to praise their efforts, such as saying "I can see how hard you worked to solve this and you accomplished" These sayings emphasize their efforts not just results. The way of praising their efforts makes them understand that growth always arises from their efforts and hard work.
Teach Them to Learn from Every Mistake
Teaching children to learn from their mistakes, when they feel discouraged by them, is crucial for their mindset growth. Adopting a friendly way of discussing with children how failures can teach them to learn better. Using the words "what we can learn from these mistakes or Let's try a different way of attempting next time" can help children understand that we can also learn from mistakes.
Inspire Them to Embrace Difficult Tasks
Helping children learn to embrace difficult tasks, is a helpful way to build a growth mindset. When children feel hesitation to take on new tasks, they try to avoid them, perceiving them as difficult. Teach them that taking challenges is essential for enhancing their learning and confidence. Support them in tackling problems that are a bit far from their comfort zone. Appreciate their efforts by saying such as "I appreciate how you are not giving up on this difficult task" helps them embrace challenges as a way to growth.
Teach Children by Being a Role Model
Teaching children by being a role model is an effective way by which children can learn through observation. They learn by observing your way of embracing learning and dealing with life's challenges. Share your learning and struggle journey for their growth, e.g., saying "I did struggle to do this task, kept continuing my efforts, and now I accomplished". The method of modeling a positive outlook contributes to enhancing their belief that they can also improve through their constant effort and practice.
Give Helpful and Positive Feedback
Providing children a positive feedback can work as a helping tool focusing on areas that need improvement. Saying "You have done very well, let's work on improving now on this part" can help build the confidence in learning and improve their skills.
Teach the Power of "Yet"
When children face struggle in doing tasks or say "I can't do this" teach them to use the word "Yet" at the end of their saying. Encouraging them to use "I can't do this yet" is a very simple but powerful change in language that helps in developing a sense of hope. This method helps in encouraging the idea in children that their abilities can be improved over time.
Motivate Them with Stories of Success Through Hard Work
Sharing stories about achieving success through hard work with determination can inspire children. By sharing stories of achievements through hard work, children can learn how effort can lead to success in life. Inspiring them with stories of success can enhance motivation in children to stay consistent in their efforts towards achieving goals in life.
Create a Supportive Environment for Learning
Creating a supportive and friendly environment for children helps them feel comfortable to continue their trying to learn new things. A supportive environment where children do not feel afraid when they make mistakes, rather they try to learn from it. Saying "It is okay to make mistakes, that is how we can learn from them" contributes to fostering their confidence and building resilience.
Encourage Reflection on What They Have Learned
Discuss with children about their progress, and what they've learned, e.g., saying "Look how you've improved this by your practice" makes them realize their efforts are valuable. It contributes to enhancing their motivation to continue their efforts towards learning.
Implementation of these strategies constantly contributes to helping develop a growth mindset in children. Developing a growth mindset involves cultivating lifelong motivation and determination towards learning. Children with a growth mindset become more resilient, in various aspects of life, and always stay motivated to new experiences, leading them to a successful life journey.